List of Programmes

  • Background
    Online businesses are expected to grow rapidly this year and can help increase household and student income. The rapid growth of online business is driven by the latest technological developments, especially with the existence of blogs, social sites and search engine optimization systems that indirectly help facilitate marketing and business activities.
  • Programme's objective
    • Provide early exposure to participants about the opportunities available in the "Online Business".
    • Practice the entrepreneurial knowledge they learned theoretically in the entrepreneurship courses they have learned.
  • Programme Duration
    Program participants are required to attend the course for a period of 3 days 2 nights.
  • Target Participants
    All UiTM students throughout Malaysia
  • Programme Schedule implemented
    October - December 2020 with a frequency of 10 programs.

  • Background
    This program is a competition for product or service innovation ideas for students from Shah Alam and Puncak Alam. The exhibition also provides an opportunity for students to innovate, communicate openly about their ideas through poster presentation, video and pitching. During the exhibition, representatives of industry, agencies and venture capitals will be invited to attend.
  • Programme's objective
    • Encourage student involvement in the field of technology entrepreneurship.
    • Provide opportunities for students to highlight technology-based product ideas.
    • Provide commercialization opportunities to potentially identified ideas.
  • Program Duration
    One (1) day
  • Target Participants
    All UiTM students throughout Malaysia.
  • Program Schedule implemented
    October - December 2020 with a frequency of 1 Program


  • Background
    Youtubepreneurs is a program to produce young entrepreneurs through the concept of online filling using YouTube. The program will train students to explore the field of entrepreneurship by using innovative content to generate income through YouTube. Youtubepreneurs is an employability solution and also trains students to find opportunities to market ideas and generate income creatively and innovatively. This program is among the innovative entrepreneurship culture "without a box" beyond the conventional entrepreneurship program. This program is in line with the current trend of trends in cyberspace and students should be smart to find income generation opportunities Participants will be exposed to the concept of e-filling, creative and innovative.
  • Programme's objective
    • Encourage students to seek income generation opportunities innovatively and creatively
    • Provide opportunities for students to seek entrepreneurial opportunities in line with current trends
    • Provide opportunities for students to practice entrepreneurial characteristics
    • Prepare students on content skills, management, marketing, finance and operations of business organizations before moving into entrepreneurship world.
  • Program Duration
    Program participants are required to attend Courses / Workshops, Technical Training & Entrepreneur Mentors for a period of 3 days 2 nights.
  • Target Participants
    All UiTM students throughout Malaysia.
  • Program Schedule implemented
    October - December 2020 with a frequency of 1 Program

  • Background
    The program aims to produce entrepreneurs among graduates who have the ambition to establish a business in specific areas that require improvement of course skills. This program will be implemented on a flexible modular basis (flexible modular basis) where the approach used is a combination of aspects of technical, practical learning sessions and understanding of concepts and theories. Participation is open throughout the year and the learning enhancement of each module depends on the individual achievement in the proposed business project. Participants will follow any of the required modules but must complete the minimum number of modules set for graduates from the program.
  • Programme's objective
    • Build graduate competencies in the ‘niche’ areas required by the industry (examples: mobile apps, Digital Industry, CCTV, and automotive)
    • Train graduates with critical inputs of ‘small business management’ in preparation for setting up a business.
    • Build the technical skills of graduates in preparation for doing business.
  • Program Duration
    Program participants are required to attend Courses / Workshops, Technical Training & Entrepreneur Mentors for a period of one month.
  • Target Participants
    All UiTM students throughout Malaysia.
  • Program Schedule implemented
    October - December 2020 with a frequency of 1 Program

  • Background
    This program aims to produce entrepreneurs among graduates who have the ambition to establish a business in the field of services and retail. This program will be implemented full time which is 2 months where the approach used is a combination of aspects of interactive learning sessions that demand follow-up action by participants with aspects of business coaching and ‘coaching’. Participants' progress will be analyzed by the counselor together with the panel of counselors to ensure that participants take ongoing action. At the end of the program students will register for business at SSM.
  • Programme's objective
    • Build the competency of Mandarin language graduates in the field of service and retail
    • Train graduates with critical inputs of small business management in preparation for setting up a business
    • Build technical skills of graduates in preparation for doing business
    • Participants will register the company at SSM
  • Program Duration
    2 Months
  • Target Participants
    All UiTM students throughout Malaysia.
  • Program Schedule implemented
    October - December 2020 with a frequency of 1 Program


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Malaysian Academy of SME & Entrepreneurship Development (MASMED)

Universiti Teknologi MARA
40450 Shah Alam
Selangor Darul Ehsan

Tel: +603-5543 5665 / 5660
Fax: +603-5543 5666
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